Kindle Surprise

Monday January 2, 2012 in books read 2012 |

This Christmas I joined the masses and received a Kindle in my stocking. Although initially sceptical about ebooks, the Kindle has transformed my reading which had been in a very poor state of health. The reason is obviously one of accessibility, the Kindle makes it so easy to download ebooks that you really have to mind your fingers, and of budget: Amazon are now providing countless titles for as little as 99p.

And this makes me a little uncomfortable, as I can only foresee the demise of the high street bookseller and of the printed publication. But personally I’m treating it as a fad. I don’t think I will ever put aside the pleasure of reading a real book. In the same way that I won’t forsake the enjoyment of browsing in a bookshop. So please humour my fad, and here are some of the books, ahem – ebooks, that have been currently interesting me:

  • Before I go to Sleep by S.J. Watson
  • Hitch 22 by Christopher Hitchens
  • God is not Great by Christopher Hitchens
  • Look at Me by Jennifer Egan
  • The Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth
  • The Masters of Sitcom: From Hancock to Steptoe by Christopher Stevens, Alan Simpson and Ray Galton
  • Dogs Chase Cars by Mark Porter

Good for you. Not yet taken the kindle plunge and understand your worries but if you can mix them both it should be the best of both worlds

Simon    Tuesday January 3, 2012   

enjoy I got ipad even though I d asked for kindle but happy ,I ll nevere drop books all together either ,all the best stu

stujallen    Tuesday January 3, 2012   

No I don’t think I’ll ever drop books altogether!

The Book Tower    Tuesday January 3, 2012   

Many thanks for the mention of ‘Dogs Chase Cars’ – much appreciated.

Mark Porter    Saturday January 28, 2012   

I’m looking forward to reading it.

The Book Tower    Saturday January 28, 2012   

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