Time for the First Lines Meme

Monday December 1, 2008 in meme |

Time for the first lines meme. This is the meme where you quote the first sentence from your first post for every month of the last year.


David Thewlis is a British actor who has appeared on screen in Mike Leigh’s Naked, the violent thriller Gangster Number 1 with Malcolm McDowell and the ill-fated The Island of Doctor Moreau with Marlon Brando.


Since closing the last page of Cold Mountain I’ve been considering quietly forgetting this book, leaving a small gap and then swiftly moving onto the next.


A meme to keep things ticking over – if you’d like to join in.


Browsing in a second hand bookshop, I overhead a customer making an unusual enquiry.


Then we Came to the End by Joshua Ferris gave me one of the strangest reading experiences of recent years.


Devil May Care is a new James Bond novel written by Sebastian Faulks to mark the centenary of Ian Fleming’s birth.


Unusual for a music autobiography, Alex James hasn’t used a ghost writer for his memoir Bit of a Blur.


Inspired by Simon’s post I’ve been giving some thought to my holiday reading this year.


Call me unusual, but I found Tom Rob Smith’s Child 44 perfect summer reading.


It’s October time again so my choice in fiction is already turning towards the dark, haunted and peculiar.




Time for the first lines meme.

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